Custom Area Rugs Waterloo

Area rug for living room | Sarmazian Brothers Flooring

Why Choose an Area Rug?

Area rugs are fashionable and can add style to any room. They come in a variety of colours, patterns, designs, shapes, and sizes to complement your room. Area rugs add comfort and warmth, while protecting your hard surface floors. They are also easy to change out and replace so you can use a different rug each season or create a whole new look in your room without much effort.

Area rugs can be layered on carpet to create a unique look and are a must-have on hard surface flooring. The right size and shape of an area rug can help a small room look larger or a large space feel cozier. They can serve as the room's focal point or can be a neutral design element that ties your furniture and décor together.

Types Of Area Rugs

Area rugs are available in a large variety of colours, patterns, shapes, sizes, and designs so that you can completely customize your space. The size and shape you choose will depend on the room, your furniture, and your desired look. The patterns you choose will depend on whether you want the rug to help tie your design together or stand out as a focal point.

Rugs are also available in a wide range of fibers and different price points, meaning there is an area rug out there to match your aesthetic, lifestyle needs, and budget.

At Sarmazian Brothers Flooring, we can help you choose the perfect area rug for your home. We put the emphasis on you and your needs.

Loloi rug | Sarmazian Brothers Flooring

Learn more about how to care for your area rug and our area rug pads.

carpet care and maintenance | Sarmazian Brothers Flooring

Area Rug Care