Area Rugs Care & Maintenance

vacuuming carpet | Sarmazian Brothers Flooring

Daily Care & Maintenance

When it comes to caring for your area rug, maintenance is actually pretty simple. Vacuuming your rug on a regular basis will help keep it looking new for years to come.

Dealing With Area Rugs
Spills & Stains

When it comes to your area rug, spills and stains are inevitable, especially if you have pets or children. If you spill a mug of coffee or a glass of juice, don't panic!

Start by blotting the stain with a paper towel to remove extra liquid, then assess the stain. If it requires additional help, then consider soaking the stain in cold water. If further action is needed, consult the manufacturer guide on how to handle that particular stain.

wine spill on carpet | Sarmazian Brothers Flooring